blogosphere! I hope everyone had
an enjoyable end to their summer! I
apologize for the lack of posts in August.
Work and personal life and enjoying the last bits of my favorite season
got in the way of blogging. :)
back into the swing of things, I wanted to post a Wedding Wednesday that I
think many other bridal blogs don’t necessarily touch on: The Honeymoon!
technically it is after you have already been married, but it can be a detail
that brides and grooms struggle with.
You only have ONE honeymoon, so there can be a lot of pressure to make
the right decisions.
recommend investigating and thinking about your honeymoon early in the
process. It will help you budget and
plan accordingly. You want to make sure
you will leave yourself with enough time to take the vacation, as well as
enough funds to afford to go on the vacation.
Bear and I started by making a list of the types of things we wanted to be able
to do on our honeymoon. We determined we
wanted to go to a beach, but we also wanted to be active and adventurous and
wanted to go for about 10 days.
making this list, we began investigating destinations that would fit our
requirements. I found one of the most
helpful places to be Community Wedding Message Boards (i.e. weddingwire, theknot,
weddingbee) in addition to my go-to of TripAdvisor.
then made a short list of countries we would want to visit that fit into those
requirements and began investigating hotels (TripAdvisor is my favorite for
this) and types of activities/excursions.
finding a lot of hotels and activities that met our desires in Costa Rica, we
made the decision to focus our honeymoon hunting there. Taking into account our budget, I narrowed it
down to a few hotels/resorts. There were
two areas in Costa Rica we wanted to hit: Arenal (a volcano area in the
rainforest), and Guanacaste (the resort focused area near the beach). Costa Rica ended up being the perfect decision. We went ziplining, waterfall rappelling, swimming in hot springs and hiking to a volcano. In the second part of our trip we enjoyed a relaxing time at the beach.

am always the one to book and plan all aspects of a trip, but it became relatively overwhelming trying to figure out flights, transportation,
hotel check-in, etc. This is where we
employed the help from some family friends who are travel agents.
you are doing a multi-destination honeymoon, or haven’t travelled out of the
country much, I highly recommend going through a travel agent. It will be one less thing you have to worry
about. Travel agents are very helpful in
recommending places that meet your desired experience if you don’t know where
to begin.
every honeymoon doesn’t have to be an international or beachy affair! There are tons of great options in the States
and in locations that fit all types of vacationers.
great options for those who want to get away but may not have a ton of time
they are able to take:
a nice cabin for a few nights in a romantic location. The Ohio, West Virginia, Tennessee regions
have tons of options
the West Coast, do a few nights in Wine Country OR travel up to San Juan Island
in Washington
best friend and her new husband went to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.
Englanders could also take advantage of the scenery in Maine
you are looking for a big city feel, there is always New York City.
think of places that might be outside the typical honeymooner’s thoughts. Friends of our went to Iceland for their
honeymoon! They have amazing pictures of
swimming in hot natural springs surrounded by snow!
really is a honeymoon for every budget and style. A little work in the beginning of your
engagement will lead to an excellent and exciting honeymoon.
remember that flights fluctuate in cost.
Buying super early or relatively close to the date usually results in
the best prices, so why not book early and not have to worry about it later
when your wedding planning is in full swing!?
Keep in mind that you will want to have a concrete date for your wedding before making any travel
arrangements. Refunds or changing dates
can result in fees, etc. with the airline companies.
last thing to think about; travel insurance. We didn’t purchase this, but I
highly recommend if you are planning to travel somewhere during the winter
months when snow or bad weather could impact your travel. Look into it and see what it covers. Ultimately it will be up to you whether it
seems like something that could be valuable to you and your soon-to-be spouse.
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