Today's Wedding Wednesday post is about the ever important star of the dessert cake!
Truth be told, I'm not a HUGE fan of cake, however, I love red velvet with cream cheese frosting! Because of this, I couldn't justify the huge amount of money it would have cost to have a tiered cake large enough to feed all of our guests.

Almost all of the bakeries I looked at for our wedding made sheet cakes at a fraction of the cost of a tiered cake. We ended up with a three tier cake plus two sheet cakes (one in red velvet and one in black forest chocolate) I had budgeted $700 for our cake. The tiered cake came out to about $300 (way below budget) with the two 1/2 sheet cakes totaling around $100. Since we had a couple hundred dollars to spare, we ended up purchasing a few more desserts for guests like me, who don't love cake. In total, we got a three tier cake, two sheet cakes, 4 cheesecakes, a cannoli tray, chocolate covered strawberries, and a cookie tray for well below my budgeted cost.
Things to note if you are going for a sheet cake:
1. My bakery offered single or double sheet cakes. We went with the double sheet cake that has a filling so that guests wouldn't feel like they were getting slighted if they got a piece cut from the sheet cake. Make sure you ask your baker about this option if it is important to you2. Many bakeries do full or half sheets. Note that if you are doing sheet cakes, you can only have one flavor of cake with filling and frosting per pan. We did one 1/2 sheet cake as chocolate and one as red velvet.
Of course if you really dislike cake, there are tons of other options: Cookies, pies, brownies, doughnuts, cream puffs, etc.
The nice thing about the wedding cake is that you can really customize it any way you like!
Other tips for finding your cake:
1. Make sure you have a tasting. Many of the bakeries around here have begun charging for tastings, however, the fee is waived if you purchase a cake from them.We only did a tasting at one bakery and decided it was too delicious and cost effective not to go with them.
Make sure you find out if the tasting has a fee. I will give a shameless plug for the amazing cakes they do at Michael Angelo's Bakery!
2. Go in with an idea of how you want it decorated, but don't be afraid to tweak after talking to the bakery.
I had a general idea of what we wanted for the cake decoration, but the bakery had a ton of photos of cakes past that I ended up borrowing from to create ours. The nicest part was they the bakery could reference those cakes and they were able to point us to designs that were similar but more cost effective.
3. Know where you will have the cake on display at your venue, it may impact your decision on frosting vs. fondant.
I don't like the taste of fondant, however, it usually holds up better in the heat. I knew we were getting married in July and it would likely be hot in any of the outdoors spaces. I did, however, know that where the cake was going to be was air conditioned so I felt comfortable purchasing buttercream.
We still had a little sliding by the time we got to the cake, but it would have completely melted if it was outdoors.
(notice how the top tier is not level...we had a bit of a melting situation on our hands)
4. Figure out if you want to keep the top tier of your cake for your anniversary. This will alter the amount of cake you will need to order.
5. Make sure you get a piece of cake (besides just the small piece you cut during the cake cutting). We didn't have that much foresight into the fact that we likely wouldn't get a piece. Fortunately our coordinaters set aside a piece of each for us for after the wedding.
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