The Liebster Award is given to new bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers.
As part of the receiving the Liebster Award, there are a few rules:
1. Say "thanks!" to the Liebster Award nominator on your blog and give them a gracious link back
2. Answer 11 questions from the nominator
3. List 11 random facts about yourself
4. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 11 other bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers, or who you think deserve to be noticed. Don't forget to leave a comment on their blog so they know about it!
5. Copy and paste the blog award onto your blog, show off that bling!
Questions for me:
- Why did you start blogging? I read blogs all the time. It started when I began wedding planning and I continue to use them as a great source for home improvement projects and recipes. I wanted to get some of my knowledge into the ether. Also, my husband is a sports fanatic. This provides a nice distraction when all our local teams are losing. :)
- What is your favorite thing to blog about? I love blogging about weddings, mostly because I have already been through it. Recipes and home improvement are newer to me, but I really enjoy those too. Non-answer, I know.
- What is your favorite color to wear? Purples. Most purple colors look good on me in the summer and winter. There aren't too many colors that I can wear all year.
- What is your favorite food (and if there is a blog post, what is the link)? Breakfast food! I made these for Mr. Bear a few weeks ago and they were phenomenal!
- What is your goal for your blog? I'd love to get a steady stream of followers who really enjoy and share my information. I'd love to know I'm a helpful blogger!
- Who is your blogger crush (you know the one that you constantly check because you want to be just like them)? Honestly, my friend Steph at Will Work for Shoes and Vodka. She is a personal friend, so I might be biased, but she has an awesome voice for blogging and I always love her crafts and recipes. I don't know how she finds enough time in the day to do it all1
- What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday afternoon? Doing new or interesting things in the city we live in. I also do really enjoy watching movies and napping :)
- Heels or Flats? Depends. My office is really casual, so I usually wear flats. I love wearing a great pair of heels and getting dressed up though!
- What is your ideal vacation? Mr. Bear and I really want to make our next really big vacation a tour of Europe, but I love just laying on the beach.
- What is your favorite movie? Cold Mountain and Atonement (I swear I'm not depressing in real life :) )
- What advice do you have for a new blogger? Build up your content by posting regularly, when I know what days you post, I will check in regularly!
11 Facts about Me:
1. I graduated college a semester early2. I have a Bachelor's of Science in Business Administration, Finance
3. I work for a department of my company that builds eCommerce websites
4. My dream is to make it onto Jeopardy!
5. Throughout high school I taught people of all ages how to play tennis
6. I've sprained my ankle at least 4 times. The very first time I sprained my ankle, I was standing still and shifted my weight.
7. I've never sprained my ankle doing anything athletic
8. I have never had a Twinkie. When Hostess announced it was going out of business, Mr. Bear and I spent about 3 hours with some friends trying to track one down.
9. Growing up, I lived in 3 different houses in the same town.
10. My friends hate playing board games with me. They are convinced I cheat or read all the cards ahead of time.
11. I met my husband in the 1st grade :)
Questions for my nominees:
1. What inspired you to start blogging?2. What is the worst thing you have attempted to make for a blog post (craft, recipe, etc.)?
3. If you could go anywhere in the world, money is not an object, where would you go?
4. What is the stupidest thing you have ever done/said?
5. What is your dream job?
6. How do you decide what you will blog about?
7. What is your goal for your blog?
8. What is your current profession?
9. What advice would you give to new/er bloggers?
10. What are your favorite blogs to follow?
11. What is your favorite pair of shoes?
After Eric and I's honeymoon, we are going to do a tour of Europe too! He also won't play games with me too because I always win and he says its no fun :(